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Dictator Assad: “Het Westen werkt in het geheim met ons tegen ‘militanten’.”

In een interview met SBS News heeft dictator Assad gezegd dat het Westen in het geheim samenwerkt met het regime van Assad om de ‘militanten’ te bevechten.

Assad, de massamoordenaar die ruim 300.000 vrouwen, kinderen en ouderen heeft gedood, wordt bijgestaan door eveneens dictatoriale en inhumane regimes zoals die van Rusland, de VS, Iran en Irak.


Assad wint niet

Actors  from Avaaz wearing giant masks of Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin dump dozens of bloodied body bags outside the UN Security Council building January 24,2012  as members of the UN Security Council meet in New York to discuss the Syria crisis, Avaaz will deliver a petition signed by more than 620,000 people worldwide calling for the UN to refer President Bashar al-Assad to the ICC for crimes against humanity.  AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY

Actors from Avaaz wearing giant masks of Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin dump dozens of bloodied body bags outside the UN Security Council building January 24,2012 as members of the UN Security Council meet in New York to discuss the Syria crisis, Avaaz will deliver a petition signed by more than 620,000 people worldwide calling for the UN to refer President Bashar al-Assad to the ICC for crimes against humanity. AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY

assad cartoon

Assad lijkt op hitler

One Comment

  1. Wanneer ik zeg ‘SIEG’, wat zeg jij dan…?


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