De geheime agenda van de sjiitische propagandakanaal “The Muslim Vibe”
According to its editors “The Muslim Vibe” (, is “a media platform established to inspire, inform and empower Western Muslims to reclaim the narrative on Islam by promoting true islamic values and principles”. Is this the case or is there something more sinister going on? Stay tuned to find out on another investigation by Sunnah Discourse. The Muslim Vibe was founded in 2014 by Salim Kassam and Haseeb Rizvi. A deeper look at TMV reveals its hidden Twelver Shia pro-Khomeinist agenda, and links with major Twelver Shia scholars who also carry out Taqiyya to encourage Sunni-Shia unity. Quite a strong claim we know, but stay with us and by the end of this video, you can decide for yourselves. During our investigation, one of the main members of TMV was involved in an incident which resulted in TMV deleting evidence, such as articles and tweets, that would have exposed their links further.
Fortunately, we were able to successfully archive all crucial evidence prior to its deletion. Don’t forget to comment, like and subscribe.
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